jueves, 10 de enero de 2008

Europa Europa

Muy buena. La historia de un atractivo chico judío entre las décadas 1930 y 1940. Una mezcla de desgracia y mucha suerte. Cambian tanto las situaciones y los lugares que resulta increíble que se trate de una historia real. Un gran afortunado, sobretodo. Recomendada para ver otro lado de la II Guerra Mundial y no recomendada para mente casta.

2 comentarios:

Anónimo dijo...

No confundir con EUROPA a secas de LARS VON TRIER.

Narrator: You will now listen to my voice. My voice will help you and guide you still deeper into Europa. Every time you hear my voice, with every word and every number, you will enter into a still deeper layer, open, relaxed and receptive. I shall now count from one to ten. On the count of ten, you will be in Europa. I say: one. And as your focus and attention are entirely on my voice, you will slowly begin to relax. Two, your hands and your fingers are getting warmer and heavier. Three, the warmth is spreading through your arms, to your shoulders and your neck. Four, your feet and your legs get heavier. Five, the warmth is spreading to the whole of your body. On six, I want you to go deeper. I say: six. And the whole of your relaxed body is slowly beginning to sink. Seven, you go deeper and deeper and deeper. Eight, on every breath you take, you go deeper. Nine, you are floating. On the mental count of ten, you will be in Europa. Be there at ten. I say: ten.

Una de las buenas de LARS VON TRIERS... como la que da titulo a este gran BLOG.


BessMcNeill dijo...

Sí, es lo que me pasó en el videoclub.